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Masters du Cheval Ibérique

Paris (France)  Parc équestre francilien Le PIN (77)

Back in France for the 21st final we were pleased to come back to the Parc Equestre Francilien, which is constantly expanding. Thanks Kader for providing superb facilities for equestrian sports. A new 50 m x100 m indoor arena in project more than advanced will soon join the 7800 m ² of existing indoor arena. We will certainly need this bigger surface in a future edition in France in a few years, if we continue such a progression.

            2017 record participation with 160 horses and 330 tests, ie more 35% in one year. The time of the first final 1997 with 13 horses and 16 times is far away...

+ 35%, yes, it is a success, yes, it is a pleasure and we are very happy to see all these new riders join the great MCI family, the classical dressage world with Iberian horses. Yes, it is also a pride ....

+ 35%, it is now 14 judges, in order to have 5 judges per test  3 of at least different nationalities. Thanks to the 4 FEI *** judges, the 8 level Grand-Prix (FEI) judges and 2 level St Georges judges who ensured the 56 hours of competition under the presidency of Jean Pierre Tuloup (FEI ***) permanently available to guarantee the seriousness of the competition.

3 stewards (FEI **, FEI *), under the direction of Jean Louis so that everything is on time, as will as orchestrate superbly and moving award ceremonies.

Thirty volunteers for the secretariat of the judges, the counts, the riders reception and answer 35 times to the same question, always with a smile. Thanks to all of you and especially Didier, Sandra, Jean, Christine and Christel practically available 24h / 24.

Two Speakers for your music to start at the right time for 130 freestyles

+ 35%, it is 400 riders and accompanying, representing this year 11 different nationalities of riders for the opening ceremony on Wednesday evening, followed by the aperitif offered by MCI France. 300 people on Thursday evening. 750 people Friday evening for the riders evening always in the Masters spirit and 450 guests on Saturday evening gala

+ 35% unfortunately no more sponsors! Less than 50% in 2017! I would also like to thank all the partners who supported us for this 21st edition.

+ 35% more sun in Ile de France compared to the normal autumn weather in this area, allowed us to fully enjoy a pleasant temperature during these 4 days

+ 35% of small problems to solve: normal it’s a final. For the first time, a complaint from several team captains was successful. In order to respect and maintain fairness and objectivity only sporty judgments, we had to separate from a member of the jury, so that the success of the final could be complete.

      For the most coveted Trophy, The Team CUP, the team title was once again a very close fight. Until the last moment. Very quickly, Great Britain and Belgium made the race in head, for the highest step of the podium. Won by Belgium, the cup will therefore find back its place on the Pierre’s shelf, after a stay of one year in Italy. The silver medal was obtained the English who get their first team medal. I'm very happy for Karen who has been enthusiastically leading the British team for 3 years. Italy and France were in competition for the third place, it was not until the last calculation (withdrawal of the worst scores) that Italy climbed on the third step. The French thus missed the podium of very little. Despite this disappointment a rider told me with humor "at least we were able to welcome our foreign friends this year". The Czechs, despite a decimated team a few days before the competition returned with a podium in Level 3 (Lisboa + Fandango).

        For 2018 two new teams will normally join the MCI.!

      The 2018 final will take place in Great Britain from 5 to 7 October 2018 at the Addington Manor Equestrian Center, 90 km north of London. It is obvious that we will not be able to continue in the future with an exponential increase of + 35% per year, especially if accompanied by a significant decrease in sponsorship as this year. The MCI European Committee is now working on new selection rules (several possibilities are under consideration) so that this big annual meeting can, do not forget, keep the friendly Masters spirit and remain manageable by the passionate volunteers that we all are

Philippe ROCH.

President of MCI Europe and France


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Petite route de Maillane
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